Digital Banking Clients Omnichannel Platform Mobile Banking

Only 9% of Latam banks are very satisfied with mobile channel

Since the beginning of 2020, Covid-19’s pandemic had a large impact on the global economy. The banking sector was primarily affected and it had to alleviate the financial pressure...

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Digital Banking Mobile Banking

Trends in banking digital channels

The disruption of the banking business, a product of the insertion of fintech companies and large technological players, added to the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects, are...

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Digital Banking Clients Omnichannel Platform Mobile Banking

Latin American and Caribbean banks concerned about their internal culture as a challenge to innovation

People increasingly demand the possibility of carrying out more transactions through their Banks’ digital channels, however, it is not always easy for these to meet expectations....

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Digital Banking Infocorp

Banking: how to help your customers with their personal finances

In times of uncertainty like the ones we live in, personal finances occupy an even more important place in people's lives. It can be a real challenge to project certain expenses...

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